Ukulele Music Therapy Session and Donation

Her mother was amazed. Her jaw dropped and she said “it’s like magic. Music therapy awakened her imagination and creativity. This is the first time that she has smiled let alone spoke, sang and played while at the hospital. She’s been afraid of all the hospital staff and the only times she had been calm was when she was playing on her iPad. To see her playing and interacting and processing her experience is the greatest gift.” Photo taken post music therapy session and after gifting patient with a donated ukulele from the ukulele kids club and the cc Strummers. Music therapy session utilized play therapy and music improvisation techniques along with various music interventions within the therapeutic relationship to build rapport, create opportunities for autonomy and promote emotional expression/processing.  Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA Los Angeles,CA. Major thanks to the Peterson Family Foundation for funding Music Therapy services at UCLA Mattel. (Photo posted with permission and with proper HIPPA consent forms).